Has your talent pipeline got a diversity leak?
Perhaps it’s been plumbed in wrong. Or it might just have a temporary blockage somewhere. Whatever the issue, you’ll be wise to get it fixed. Because diversity is increasingly, and directly, tied to your company brand, reputation, culture and ultimately its future. Take, for example, the exciting fact that Gen Z (those born around 1997 – 2012) who are now entering the world of employment, are helping to contribute to more racially and ethnically diverse workforces. That’s great news, for everyone.
Why diversity, equality and inclusion matters – to all of us
Like attracts like. So make sure you’re not creating a workforce full of the same people with the same backgrounds, experiences, thoughts and ideas. If you want to avoid groupthink, get a better understanding of your customers and be more innovative with increased creativity and productivity, then it makes sense to take practical steps through purposeful action for widening the pool of talent you’re tapping into.
Being authentic shouldn’t be a false claim
At Tribe Recruitment, we have a commitment to DE&I that’s woven into the fabric of what we do and why. It’s a natural development of our group ethos ‘Together We Are Stronger’. This applies to our own teams as well to our clients. Because it’s embedded, it’s never an afterthought, and that makes our working lives easier, more collaborative and much more fruitful.
Our recruitment process is focused on identifying a diverse candidate pool and representing this mix of talent. By creating a level playing field and using inclusive language in all our communications and job advertisements, we’re able to find, target and select the most suitable individuals. The dimensions of diversity are wide-ranging, and go far beyond primary differences such as gender, age and race. Taking secondary, workplace and style differences into account means we can be sure of attracting, and recruiting from, the widest pool of diverse talent for exceptional hires.
Keep the talent flowing
Studies and statistics tell us everything we need to know. Companies with more diverse management teams for example, have on average 19% higher revenue, are 45% more likely to increase their market share and 70% more likely to capture new markets. A few thoughts to share:
- Look for diversity barriers in your talent strategy that might exist
- Identify the changes you can make to turn things around
- Start doing things differently by putting that thinking into action
- Be consistent, persistent and genuine and you’ll reap the rewards on all levels
If you’d like practical support and direction with this, get in touch with us at Tribe Recruitment for a fresh and effective route to the best talent around.