Leading by example in times of crisis

History is packed with examples of great leadership. And, to be fair, the exact opposite too! And while some of this is certainly subjective, what’s utterly undeniable is that we’ve benefitted from excellent leadership this year… and for many years before.

With almost 25 years within the group between them, Directors Lisa Spark and Leandra Smith have helped us to power through this strangest, most challenging of years. And while it’s been devastating to see so many employers and employees alike going through horrendous times these last few months, it’s been relentlessly reassuring to have such outstanding leadership at the helm here throughout.

Committed to growth and development

Despite the harsh impact of COVID-19 on businesses across almost every sector, we’ve been lucky enough to see some serious growth within our own company. Again, the concept of ‘luck’ here is also subjective – in reality our own growth has been down to strategic planning, focused ambition, and… you’ve guessed it… fantastic leadership!

During 2020, Lisa and Leandra have overseen the expansion of our recruitment teams, and the implementation of both our new marketing, and finance and operations teams too. Integral to putting everything in place for these new positions to be created, they’ve since moved straight on to headhunting for several new Senior Recruitment Consultant positions.

Gratitude at every level of the business

Approaching the end of the year then, we’re in the fortunate position of being able to look forward into next year with anticipation, while not needing to shut the door on the memory of the recent past. And the assurance of having not just one, but two leaders throughout the last few months has certainly helped us to reach this positive mindset.

Ultimately, this post is a thank you to both Lisa and Leandra, from everyone at Tribe, and within the group as a whole, for proving just how effective great leadership can be. And with Christmas just around the corner, both of our fantastic directors surely deserve a selection of their favourite treats, don’t they…?